Imagine a hike through a national forest leading to a breathtaking waterfall.  Along the way, you may notice the riches of earth’s natural bounty.  Trees and shrubs growing unencumbered by manufactured barriers, and wildflowers poking their heads out across a lush green clearing not defined by artificial disruptions but through the earth’s natural topography sculpted over years of rainfall and elements of the native environment.  That scene can be invigorating, inspiring, and refreshing as compared to various “man-made” environments that can often feel too manufactured and candidly less appealing.


But your outdoor spaces can be as fulfilling and invigorating as the natural landscape described above.  An outdoor space created with the earth’s natural bounty in mind will deliver wonderfully exciting and invigorating moments that are reminiscent of many natural environments we experience in life’s journey.


Our work at Native Earth Designs is based on the fundamental premise of capturing your vison for delightful outdoor spaces that complete your home, while also being mindful of minimal disruption to the natural elements of your environment.  Unique concepts focused on eco-friendly designs include using native plants and minimizing disruption of soil, natural water, and other elements of the undisturbed natural landscape.  Additionally, earth-friendly designs incorporate approaches that minimize the need for irrigation.  And harvesting rainwater is an excellent method to replenish the soil and other aspects of your outdoor spaces.


A mindset of preserving earth’s natural bounty is not limited to protected forests and parks and can extend locally to your home as you create enjoyable outdoor spaces for future generations to enjoy.  Follow our perspectives here as we walk the path together in creating invigorating environments that embrace the native earth.