“Ok, I feel I’m earth-friendly, but how do I get started with eco-friendly?”


That’s a common question when thinking about your outdoor spaces and how you can continue to be eco-friendly.  It’s not a difficult question, but the answers are about being thoughtful and making certain choices, just like you do when making choices for other needs.  Here are some quick tips to get started:


Organic Mulch

This is a quick, easy decision.  Use wood chips, shredded bark, straw, leaves, and grass clippings which balances soil temperature, holds moisture, and reduces weed growth.


Plants for Good Insects

Remember the word “pollination” from school?  That comes from active insects like bees, butterflies, and moths.  And plantings that are native to your area will help feed these powerful members of our ecosystem to ensure both the plant and animal species continue to thrive.


Select Plants Native to Your Region

This one may seem obvious, but it’s still a good reminder.  Choose plants that thrive in the wild where you live.  By choosing these plants, you are reducing the needs for additional fertilizers and pesticides, as well as minimizing potential water usage.


Synthetic Turf

Yes!  Artificial turf is actually considered to be an appropriate method to be eco-friendly.  Why?  Maintaining grass usually requires water, fertilizer and other ongoing updates.  Synthetic turf virtually eliminates all of these tasks, saving you time and money and reducing the impact to the environment from harsher chemicals.


There are many other earth-friendly landscaping tips and techniques to share.  Look for more updates coming soon here at nativeearthdesigns.com.